Event Management

The Events Team offers the GU-Q community with a comprehensive service to assist with both the planning and execution of your event at GU-Q. Once you place the event request, we will coordinate with IT, Building Operations, AV, Procurement, Communications, Transportation, and Qatar Foundation on your behalf to ensure hassle-free event planning process.
What is an Event?
An event is a meeting of 10+ guaranteed guests, taking place at GU-Q in a public space and requires any of the following:
- Catering
- Beverages
- AV/IT Support
- Special Room setup
- Directional Signage
The Events team can assist with virtual events such as Zoom Webinars, and In-person Events
During spring 2022, events are approved based on the current regulations in Qatar: room capacities with 1 meter social distancing are followed, all attendees must be vaccinated. More detailed Safe Events Guide can be found below. The GU-Q health committee, along with QF HSE are consulted as needed to ensure a safe event.
Event Timelines:
- Requests for online event (webinar) support should be submitted as early as possible and must be submitted to the Events Team a minimum of 7 business days in advance in order to be accepted.
- Please allow at least 30 calendar days for a complex event.
- Please allow at least 10 business days for a regular event.
- Please allow at least 5 business days for a fast track event.
Find the breakdown of our event categories here.
See full student event management process here.
The more notice that the Events Team has, the better your event will be!
Choosing a time and date
Consult the Events Calendar or contact the Events Team to look for a suitable date. The planning calendar is found on the Georgetown Google Calendar as ‘Qatar-Plan-Events Schedule’. The events team is in charge of scheduling and will work to find the best time for different events taking place that day.
Due to limited resources and to prevent audience fatigue or shrinkage we can only accept a maximum of three lunchtime events in one day, one evening event in one day and a maximum of five events in a full day.
Events Marketing

GU-Q events can be marketed in the following ways by the Events Team, if requested by the event owners:
- Posters added to the digital signage screens around the GU-Q building. Please provide a landscape version of the poster for the screens.
- Event added to the weekly newsletter for faculty/staff/spouses (if applicable) – note that events will have the opportunity to appear in the newsletter twice, once in the ‘save the date’ section a week before the event and once in the ‘this week’s events’ section during the week of the event, offering the GU-Q audience to see it twice.
- Event added to the weekly newsletter for students (if applicable).
- Event promoted on the permanent signage board in the Bookstore lobby area on the day of the event.
For public events, the following additional marketing can be produced by the Events Team:
- Event added to the GU-Q website.
- Invitation added in the GU-Q public newsletter.
The event owner is responsible for printing and adding posters to notice boards around the GU-Q building. All posters must be stamped by the Communications office before putting up.
Need some more information on events?
Contact us
Feel free to reach out to us by email at guqevents@georgetown.edu